Chapter 16 - The Funerals

Following the Armistice, a campaign was launched, led by the Great Eastern Railway Company, to have the body of Fryatt repatriated from Bruges to his home town of Harwich. This was achieved on 7th and 8th July 1919 but only by way of a circuitous route via Antwerp, Ostend, Dover and London, in each location of which (excepting Ostend) a funeral ceremony was conducted. On display at the exhibition will be the many images taken of these ceremonies as well as some newsreel footage, and even a ticket of admission to one of the ceremonies!
The first of many ceremonies - Fryatt's body is taken from the Provinciaal Hof, Bruges, on its long journey to its final resting place in Harwich, via Antwerp, Ostend, Dover and London - image from a commercial postcard courtesy of the collection of Mark P. Baker.